At PhotoUp, we want you to know that we care about your health, safety and well being during the COVID-19 season. Whether you are still out shooting or have chosen to put your business on pause, PhotoUp is here to help you through these difficult times.
With your health and safety in mind, we wanted to share a few tips to keep you safe if you’re still out shooting.
When you’re shooting
1. Shoot empty homes.

Make it a point to let your agents and homeowners know that the house must be completely empty during your shoots. The less people you are in contact with, the better! Encourage occupants to take a walk as an alternative to being home while you shoot, but if you do have occupants, ask them politely to respect the six-foot social distancing guideline, it really does help!
2. Leave shoes outside.
This may be common practice for you already, but if not, try to leave your shoes outside of the home. Consider wearing foot booties or bring a clean change of socks. No need to drag in anything unnecessary into the home, plus it’s just good manners.
3. Don’t touch!
We recommend having the agent or homeowner turn on all lights and open all doors, curtains, and blinds in every room that needs to be photographed. Make sure this is done before you show up to the shoot. Or, wear washable gloves at a minimum but please, keep latex gloves available for healthcare professionals.
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4. Sanitize before & after you shoot.

Along with sanitizing your hands (or washing for 20 seconds with soap and water), make sure you sanitize your equipment before and after your shoot. Clorox wipes or other sanitary wipes are great for this. Sanitize your camera (watch out for the lens!), tripod, and any other equipment that you bring with you into the home.
5. Less is more.
The less equipment you can bring into the house, the better! This can also help decrease the amount of time you spend in the house, helping you get to your next shoot or back home to your family, faster.
6. Change Your Clothes.
As soon as you get home from your shoot, change into a clean set of clothes. Really, health experts recommend a fresh, clean set of clothes as soon as you get home from interacting with other people, places, or surfaces. Don’t forget to wash your hands as soon as you’re back home to ensure you and your home stay contagion free.

Yes, this is a crazy time but these tips will help keep your clients, your family and you safe.
Stay safe. Stay healthy. We are confident that we will get through this, together.